Thursday, January 12, 2012

This is long, but please read, need serious advice?

Counseling is the first thing to get for the girls and quit making excuses. That's all I read is excuses. Once a drug addicted always a drug addicted. I had one of them. This is domestic violence. Read about it. Its emotional, physical, financial, verbal and ual abuse. Yes, I say ual cause I feel the 2 older girls were molested if he was so anxious to get them every chance he could and they have expressed anger. I say get them into counseling and I bet you will find out that he or his drugged up friends molested the girls. You need counseling as well. You're immature still. Once you get abused you know other way of living but to be abused. I had been abused by my ex hubby who is a drug addict. No one can tell you what to do its up to you. Not all families are the same. My dad disowned me when I had my son out of wedlock. This man is 33 not 3. You need to let him go. He's done enough damage to you and the kids. You don't love him its fear. Fear is love. I still love my ex hubby but its the fear. My ex hubby abused me. He strangled me, pushed me, slapped me, punched me, kicked me and swat my neck ok he tried many times to kill me. Now, I can see this man hasn't done any of that to you but his anger from his drugs and drinking is causing more harm to you and the kids. It will get worse. You will stay with him until he dies from the drinking I can tell. You need help with the fact that he's never going to stop drinking. I had to finally divorce my drug addict hubby. I am not any better but it feels much better to know that don't have to continue watching over my shoulders if any cops are watching me. My ex hubby is 46 and been doing drugs since he was 13 so that's 33 years of it. All abusers will always blame others for their problem. If you want to break away from this man and live in peace than I suggest you seek a woman's shelter. Find an Option House or go to the court and ask if they have any programs for you to get away from him. If he hasn't change 3 years ago he's never going to change. What is it that you're waiting for? I know you need a job but too many excuses. When I say too many excuses is cause I did the same things you did. I worried about him. I cared for him. Even if he strangled me, pushed me, kicked me, slapped me, punched me, karate chop my neck while I was driving, ok, this man was mean and hateful towards me just like your hubby but he uses control instead of physical blows. I had to deal with his abuse for 15 years. Its going to get worse if you don't put your foot down. Are you willing to wait? I know many abusers do change. My sister's alcoholic hubby finally quit drinking after 23 years when he almost died this year. He also stopped doing speed and weed after 23 years. You should see what it would be like in 23 years for you but I have to say my sister is a mess. She's on anxiety pills and have bad OCD-obessive compulsive disorder. Why don't you go to corporate offices since you have a degree in accounting or find a company who does financial planning and you can do that at home. You can go work for a bank, payroll or small businesses as a bookkeeper. I just hope after all these posts you have a set goal of what it is you really want. You seem like you don't have a clue since I see a lot of excuses. One more thing, being with an older man is against the law so this is why he left the state. He could have been charged with . Lets hope this is a lesson learned but you seriously need to get away. He's doing nothing to better his life and he's bringing you down with him and he doesn't care. Trust me cause I have been there and done all what you had stated. I was once pregnant with my ex hubby's baby and he left me a month later when I told him. He never held a job. He was always stoned. He was always paranoid. I can go on forever but read and learn. This post may not help but I hope it gets some points across to you. You're hubby is fixable but he will have to hit rock bottom to get better. You can also get him into a rehab place but I don't know where you live but many states have outpatient or alnon drug programs. I will pray for you and hope they girls get into counseling. Trust me if you don't they will mimic his behavior and become an alcoholic and drug user. Just do what is right in your heart.


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