Monday, January 16, 2012

You dont have to be a bunny expert but PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

ok so i got a Beautiful placid bunny 1 year ago from a really nice breeder, she told me everything i need to know, she said he wont grow to big and his father was a very calm placid bunny so he should be 2. she said his mother was very playful and happy bunny. So i bought him but i hadnt bought his cage yet so he lived in our laundry for 2 days until my dad made him a very large cage(but it wasnt at all like what the breeder had him in). so he was then on an outside bunny whos cage was in the chook pen (the breeder had hers in a chook pen 2) anyways so i would let him out in the morning and run around with him for hours and when i had to go up i would put him away and the same thing in the arvo. the breeders yard was flat and ful of gr. where my back yard... a mive hill with patches of gr and dirt everywhere and its not pretty! So anyways he became all aggressive and i think its from being around the chickens but i dont know... one day he started chasing me and biting so hard it wasnt funny! he then bit my chicken on the leg and she couldnt walk for days! soi dicided i would make him his own little pen inside the chook pen.. he started digging his way out so i had to keep bloking holes with bricks! it was good and he started to improve but then one day i walked into his pen and he ran over and started bighting into my leg leaving a mive scar he dug in and wouldnt let go so i had to kick him off, the first kick wasnt hard enough and he just kept digging in i was so scared of hurting him but he seriously wouldnt let go so i had to kick harder it got him off but ever since i would have to go into the pen wearing work boots that he couldnt get through he still lounges and bites he now and then bites chunkes out of my hand and because hes alreaddy scared of me i just tap im on the nose and say in a stern voice NO and it gets to him but then he will still lunge.. (sorry im writing so much!) anyways so he started to improve and i asked a question about what to play with him and someone said make an "octopus" off this site called so i did and as soon as he sore it he ran he was so scared! so i threw it out but now his gone back to being scared of me and i dont know what to do! should i just give him away to the rspca? i really dont think i could do it! i once asked the same sort of thing but everyone just said just pat him and be patient and dont pick him up I have been doing that all year!!!!!!!!!! ive been trying and trying but all my progress just gets blown up in my face! i really dont wanna give him up cause they wont be able to help and they will probebly end up putting him down and i dont think i could handle that! please PLEASE! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…


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