Monday, January 16, 2012

Can my wife still have postpartum depression 20 months after birth of our third child-she is 44 now?

my wife had our third child at 42 and turned on me in her last trimester-yelling at me,throwing things slamming doors,stomping in her walk,wouldnt let me bond w/ the new baby or hold it, feed it change him,comfort him or put him down to bed-she would pull on him till he cried and i would have to let her have him-she wouldnt let me take him anywhere to show him off-not even to church-she screamed and yelled at me daily to move out,seperate or get divorced-this started at the begining of the last 3 mos she was carring-i refused to abandone my kids and family-she refusrd to see a doctor-counsler-priest-etc.she wouldnt let me do things w/ our 4&6 yr. olds or take them or the baby places-she would constantly yell no at me in front of the kids & chase me thru house when i tried to get away from her so kids didnt have to see this but they would follow-she would deny these things-its like the kids are hers and im an intruder on her family-she calls the police-she keeps med secret-she filed div


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