Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Royal wedding is what time?

I am a transfer student from a technical college. I have a GPA 4.0 in college. I am a member of the Phi Thetta Kappa Honors Society. I received a 1570 on the SAT test, and I had a 4.25 GPA in high school. I live in South Carolina and I want to attend the University of South Carolina. Here's, the kicker. I can't get a scholarship because I am not an incoming freshmen. I am attending the technical college out of pocket. I cannot receive any government grants due to my FAFSA. I cannot receive any monetary help from governmental grants. Why can I not receive any academic scholarships? Teachers and any person in a teaching position was dead wrong about grades. Grades don't matter. Only if you're pretty or are athletic or poor can you get into school. How can I get any academic help? I cannot afford the college otherwise. How did Kate get to go to University? Did she have a scholarship? Are all Brits rich?


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