Saturday, January 14, 2012

Can you help me with bunny/rabbit help?

ok so, my friend gave me a bunny for free, a small female about two weeks(elsie), so i went and bought her a male friend who is about 4-5 weeks, but it is a flemish rabbit (marty). and I LOVE marty to death. I know its probably a bad idea, but they get along really well for now, when should i seperate them? and can anyone tell me what to feed them? should they eat the same? how much should i feed them? what do i need? my brother built them a rabbit coop. i have pellets. i fed them clovers and gr from outside and then read on a site that cabbage lettuce and clovers are bad and can kill them! and then another site said anything green is really good for them! so who is right? can anyone with experience tell me what to do? THANK YOU SOO much!


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